Ugra and viscom have now concluded a contract of cooperation in order to unite both certification schemes UgraPSO and swissPSO. The new harmonised and unique certification scheme will be introduced on January 1st 2017.
Due to the structural changes and difficult market situation in the graphic industries the harmonisation of both certification schemes makes sense. In order to achieve this goal, Ugra and viscom have concluded a contract of cooperation in December 2015. The framework resulting from this cooperation defines the new united certification scheme, which will be offered exclusively by Ugra in Switzerland and in the international market.
The new harmonised certification scheme will be applied from the date of January 1st 2017. From the same date the certification according to the revised standard ISO 12647-2:2013 will also be carried out for the paper classes 1 “glossy and matt-coated “ and 5 “wood-free uncoated “.
In a separate mailing all certified customers from Ugra and viscom wil be informed about the relevant modifications. For further information you are welcome to contact Ugra.