New OKS Directive 2024

The SVKI, as the brand owner of the OKS label (Official Garbage Bag), has fundamentally revised the OKS guideline together with Ugra Swisstesting AG as the mandated testing body. The new directive sets the standard for the quality of garbage bags and came into force on 1 July 2024.

OKS Directive 2024

The OKS directive is intended on the one hand for the black garbage bags that are available on the open market without a charge. On the other hand, it applies to official chargeable bags produced on behalf of cities, municipalities or special-purpose associations. The aim of the OKS directive is to standardise the design and quality of household, commercial and industrial garbage bags in order to ensure hygienic, functional and safe waste disposal. Garbage bags that meet the requirements of the OKS Directive are labelled with the OKS label.

The previous OKS Directive (2015 version) was fundamentally revised due to changed framework conditions:

  • Adjustment of the strength parameters
  • Modification of the test method for puncture testing
  • Introduction of the new 10-litre bag type (fee bags)
  • Information on sampling
  • Description of the procedure for the suspension of test rounds and the procedure in the event of non-conformity

Further information about the OKS label is available on the SVKI website. The OKS guideline will be available from 17 July 2024 via the SVKI InfraShop and is free of charge for SVKI members. Further technical information on the guideline, especially for manufacturers, is available on the Ugra website.


Recommendation & information for cities, municipalities and special-purpose associations

In the interests of waste collection companies and households for hygienic, functional and safe waste disposal, the SVKI recommends that cities, municipalities and special-purpose associations only consider manufacturers with an OKS licence when tendering for their official fee bags (SVKI list). In order to ensure that the quality controls for compliance with the OKS guideline are also carried out throughout Switzerland for the official fee bags, the SVKI together with Ugra Swisstesting AG is recommended as a mandate holder. Otherwise, use of the OKS label for the fee bags is not permitted.