The Plate Measuring Reference (PMR) is used to periodically check the measurement accuracy of the plate measuring device. PMR is a thermal offset printing plate in a dimension of 13 cm x 20 cm containing two halftone value step wedges:
- an amplitude-modulated halftone wedge with a screening of 60 L/cm (152 lpi)
- a frequency-modulated halftone wedge with a dot size of 20 μm
The dot area of the 15 halftone value patches representing a tone value range from 2% to 98% is measured with a plate measuring device. The measurement result is recorded in a report and compared with the delivered reference values. If the results are within tolerance ± 1%, the measuring device works correct. If the results are out of tolerance, the measuring device should be maintained and calibrated by your supplier.
For the determination of the halftone value (dot area) on a PMR all market available plate measuring devices can be applied, using either image analysis technology or densitometry.
Each reference plate is marked with a reference code. The delivered reference values are only valid for the corresponding plate.
Note: The contrast of PMR decreases after some time due to the effects of light. It is recommended to store the reference plate in the packaging if not used in order to protect against light. We guarantee a life time of 1 year.
Subscription: You can also buy PMR in a subscription model. You receive automatically and on-time a new reference plate before the current PMR product expires. This assures, that your reference plate is always ready to use in quality assurance and meets the requirements within the scope of a certification such as ISO 9001 or ISO 12647-2/ProcessStandard Offset. The subscription is binding for a contractional period of 3 years providing the following benefits:
- Continuous availability
- Conformity acc. to ISO 9001
- Saving of CHF 135.00 compared with single purchase
Product manual (PDF, German)