Ugra to receive again ISO 17025 accreditation

For the third time Ugra has successfully undergone the severe audit for re-accreditation by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS). The audit reviews the complete quality system, the laboratory equipment, the documentation of testing methods and the competence of staff. With this review Ugra is accredited without interruption since 2006 according to ISO 17025 by the SAS, which entitles Ugra in its turn to perform tests and issue certificates of analyses within their scope of accreditation.

Fort the third time Ugra has successfully undergone the severe audit for re-accreditation for testing laboratories acc. to ISO 17025.

As a testing laboratory with international customers Ugra operates with a quality system according to ISO 17025. This standard regulates in detail how testing procedures have to be defined, validated and described. It also stipulates that laboratory equipment and testing devices have to be maintained and calibrated regularly with traceability to national or international standards for all values. Evidence for the regular maintenance and calibration has to be produced at any moment.

The practical work in the laboratory is examined closely on the basis of precise orders and the competence of the involved staff is verified by questioning. Mistakes and irregularities are to be recorded and have to result in preventive measures in order to continually improve the quality system. Track of defined measures has to be kept and their implementation has to be proven.

With this accreditation we can offer our customers the confidence of receiving reliable test results. Products tested in our laboratories can be awarded a certificate in order to certify conformity to standards and specifications. And last but not least, we can provide our customers the essential security, which is vital for high quality products to be successful in the market.