Ugra Security Printing Joint Working Group

Working Group

Standard Test Methods
for the Security Printing Industry

Ugra Security Printing
Joint Working Group

Developing Standard Test Methods for the Banknote Printing Industry


The scope of the Working Group is the exchange of experiences in the area of quality assurance and test methods as well as the development or enhancement of test methods on specific applications on security printing substrates and banknotes. This shall support the standardisation and harmonisation of test methods in the industry.


The working group meetings are held regularly as web meetings. A face-to-face meeting is held every 18 months in St. Gallen.


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What is the scope of the Ugra Security Printing Working Group?
The scope of the Working Group is the exchange of experiences in the area of quality assurance and test methods as well as the development or enhancement of test methods on specific applications on security printing substrates and banknotes. This shall support the standardisation and harmonisation of test methods in the industry.

What are the objectives of the Working Group?
The members of the Working Group shall agree the following objectives:

  1. To exchange experiences covered by the scope without disclosure misuse of any participating party.
  2. To identify the specific need of new testing methods or specific enhancements of existing standard test methods.
  3. To develop new test methods or enhancements of existing standard test methods.
  4. To prepare documents for publication by consensus processes.

Each participant of the Working Group is working voluntarily. There is no right to financial allowance. Specific projects with a higher workload may be a particular case and their conditions are defined in the clause “Projects“.

The content to be provided and exchanged in the Working Group shall not be classified under obligation to maintain confidentiality. Nonetheless, the subjects of the Working Group shall be treated confidentially and shall not be forwarded to third-parties without the consensus of the Group members.

The content and work created by the members of the Working Group shall not be affected by any intellectual property. The copyright of the working outcome obtains the Working Group. The Working Group shall not treat competing and classified content (layer C) of any participating member.

Content Layer Model
A. public available and non-classified content
B. approved content for Working Group projects
C. competing and classified content

The Working Group intends to discuss, to work on, to develop and to standardize test methods in the following area:

  1. Test methods on security printing substrates such as cotton paper, polymer substrates or hybrid substrates;
  2. Test methods on banknotes;
  3. Test methods on security threads or holographic patches, security inks or other features to be embedded or applied on banknotes.

The Working Group intends to develop new test methods in the above mentioned areas, if for a specific test case scenario an existing test procedure can not be applied.

The Working Group intends to enhance existing test methods in the above mentioned areas, if an added value can be achieved or if several similar approaches of test methods can be harmonized to a standard industry test method.

The Working Group shall not compete against other parties, but target a joint work where useful and applicable. The Working Group intends where applicable and useful to submit a concrete project idea to a responsible ISO Technical Group in order to support the international standardization process of test methods.

The Working Group votes an active member to act as a chair of the group.

The Working Group is open to stakeholders who are interested to participate actively in the group and willing to contribute their resources and knowledge and agreeing to the rules.

The Working Group shall carries out at least one annual meeting, but preferably two annual meetings. Additionally it is considered to carry out video conferences whenever it is appropriate.