
Accredited acc. to ISO/IEC 17025

Independent, impartial and competent


Ugra operates the accredited laboratory STS 0455 for testings on material and products in the printing, packaging, and paper industry as well as the security printing industry.

SRF Kassensturz
Not all photobooks convince (video in German)

Enorme Unterschiede beim Preis, bei Lieferfristen und bei der Bestellung: «Kassensturz» hat 10 Fotobücher bei der Ugra in St. Gallen testen lassen.
8 von 10 Bücher sind «gut», die Bildqualität ist in den meisten Fällen zufriedenstellend. Ifolor schnitt am besten ab und ist erst noch günstig.

Selected Testing Services

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Standard test methods for the material group paper, cardboard pulp, cellulose-containing nanomaterials and lignins.

If you have not found the test method you are looking for, please contact us. We will be happy to clarify your enquiry.

Standard test methods for the material group corrugated board, corrugated base paper, cardboard and cartonboard

If you have not found the test method you are looking for, please contact us. We will be happy to clarify your enquiry. (sc = subcontract)

Standard test method for the material group foils and film materials.

If you haven't found the test method you want, contact us. We will be happy to answer your request.

FEFCO Prüfmethoden

If you have not found the test method you are looking for, please contact us. We will be happy to clarify your enquiry.

(FEFCO = The European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers)

FINAT Prüfmethoden

Testing services for the self-adhesive labelling industry

If you have not found the test method you are looking for, please contact us. We will be happy to clarify your enquiry.

(sc = sub-contraction, FINAT = Fédération Internationale des Fabricants et Transformateurs d’adhesifs et thermocollants sur papiers et autres support)

  • Impact test in free fall
  • Impact and shock testing (BCT)
  • Environmental simulation on refrigerated containers and transport packaging
  • Determination of the adhesive force (180° pull-off angle)

If you have not found the test method you are looking for, please contact us. We will be happy to clarify your enquiry.

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