Sponsorship award 2024

For the tenth time, the Ugra association has donated the sponsorship award for the best bachelor's thesis at HEIG-VD/comem+. The 2024 prize will be awarded to the winner, Ms Tara Hächler.

The Ugra Swiss Competence Centre for Print and Media Technology association donates the annual sponsorship award for outstanding bachelor theses as part of the Media Engineering degree programme at comem+/HEIG-VD. The award honours young students for special achievements in the context of the graphic arts industry for their work and encourages them to play an active role in shaping the future of the print and media industry. The prize is endowed with 500 Swiss francs and is awarded annually to students of the comem+ department at HEIG-VD.

This year's winner, Ms Tara Hächler, was honoured for her work entitled ‘Création d'un guide de communication stratégique pour les structures associatives de Suisse romande d'après une démarche ethnographique’. The award will be presented to Ms Hächler at a ceremony on 5 December 2024.

Ugra Förderpreis 2024 Tara Hächler