Handing over of Ugra advancement award in Yverdon-les-Bain to Mr Mathias Oberson (right), complimented by Jean-Marc Seydoux (left) and Andreas Sidler (center). Picture credits: HEIG-VD
For the first time Ugra, the “Swiss Center of Competence for Printing and Media Technology”, is granting the advancement award for outstanding bachelor theses within the context of the Media Engineering degree course at comem+/HEIG-VD. With this prize, Ugra wants to award young students for special achievements in their work within the context of the graphic arts industry and encourage them to play an active role shaping the future of the printing and media industry.
The presentation of the award took place on 3rd December 2015 in the “La Marive” congress centre in Yverdon-les-Bains during the graduation ceremony for the newly qualified media engineers. Mr Andreas Sidler, Member of Ugra’s Board of Directors and degree course administrator for media engineers at HEIG-VD/comem+, presented the prize winner with a certificate for the development award carrying a value of CHF 500.
The prize winner, Mr Mathias Oberson, was honoured for his work entitled “Regroupement, gestion et exploitation de données scientifiques sur échantillons organiques” (Grouping, administration and exploitation of scientific data on organic samples).
The young engineer completed his degree course, specialising in IT Management. Jean-Marc Seydoux, Professor of Computer Engineering HEIG-VD/comem+ and member of the judging panel, comments on the bachelor thesis as follows: “M. Oberson a délivré un excellent travail de Bachelor dans un contexte très technique. Il a su répondre aux besoins de l’entreprise et réaliser une application web avec Meteor, un outil moderne de développement d’application autour de Javascript. Il a obtenu la note maximale avec les félicitations du jury.” (Mr Oberson submitted an excellent bachelor thesis in a very technical context. He succeeded in catering to the the company’s needs and implemented a web application using Meteor, a modern Javascript development tool. For this he received the maximum score and the congratulations of the judging panel.)
In the future, Ugra’s advancement award is intended to be presented annually to students of the comem+ department at HEIG-VD.