70 years Ugra


2022 is the year in which Ugra celebrates its 70th anniversary (1952-2022). The association "Verein zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in der grafischen Industrie" was founded in 1952. Under the acronym Ugra®, borrowing the words "Untersuchungen" and "grafische" from the association's name, it becomes a well-known brand worldwide.


In 2004, the spin-off from Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research) in St. Gallen took place. From then on, Ugra's strategic orientation was service-oriented. The association was renamed "Ugra Swiss Competence Centre for Printing and Media Technology". With the takeover of the paper testing laboratory and the later accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025, Ugra established itself as an independent and impartial testing service provider. Through our active participation in various expert groups and standardisation committees, we promote professional exchange and standardisation in the printing and media industry. We also certify companies according to various certification systems and promote the transfer of knowledge with our members, customers and partners.


At this year's General Assembly, the 70th anniversary of Ugra will be honoured with a speech. In the course of the year, historical milestones of Ugra will also be published on our website.

Further messages

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